Дэкан факультэта
Dean of the Faculty
Puchinskaya Tatiana,
PhD in Pedagogic Sciences,
Associate Professor

Faculty of Linguistics provides personnel training in groups of specialties in the field of pedagogical and linguistic sciences. The objects of professional activity of a specialist are comprehensive schools, specialized secondary schools and other types of educational institutions and educational organizations.

During the period of study students receive theoretical and practical training according to vocational training of a specialist.

The total number of students of Faculty of Linguistics is more than 580 persons. Over 60 qualified teachers are occupied in educational process, including native speakers (volunteers from the PRC, etc.) who provide linguistic training of future specialists.

The Faculty departments are implementing cooperation agreements with educational establishments in Baranovichi and the departments of universities in the Russian Federation, contacts are being established with educational institutions of far abroad countries.

Language laboratories, multimedia complexes, computer classes, satellite television are at the disposal of students. There is a rich video collection in foreign languages, the access to the Internet is provided.

The material resources of the Faculty are annually upgraded. New equipment is acquired. A wide range of academic books and fiction, newspapers and magazines in foreign languages is displayed in the library and in the reading room.

Club “Polyglot” functions at the Faculty, where the opportunity to study the English, German, Italian, Spanish, and French languages is given to all students.

Three departments function at the Faculty:

  • Professional Foreign Language Training;
  • Theory and Practice of Germanic Languages;
  • Philology.

Student scientific research associations are organised at departments of the Faculty. The best works of students are annually represented on the Republican competition of research works. Faculty students have the opportunity to test their researches by participating in scientific events (conferences, forums, festivals, exhibitions, etc.).

The system of educational work has been created and is acting at the Faculty. The purpose of this work is the formation of the civil, spiritually-moral and aesthetic culture and a healthy way of life. The Student government is the Body of student’s self-management at the Faculty.

A system of educational work has been created and operates at the Faculty, the purpose of which is the formation of a civil, spiritual, moral and aesthetic culture, a healthy lifestyle. The student self-government body at the Faculty is the student council.

Specialities of Faculty of Linguistics

Speciality: 6-05-0231-01 Modern Foreign Languages (English. Chinese)
Qualification: Linguist. Teacher
Degree: Bachelor

Major areas of professional activity: publishing activities; computer programming, consulting and other related services; scientific research and development in the field of social sciences and humanities; translation and interpretation activities; education.

Form of getting education: full-time.

Period of getting general higher education: 4 years.

Speciality: 6-05-0231-01 Modern Foreign Languages (English. German)
Qualification: Linguist. Teacher
Degree: Bachelor

Major areas of professional activity: publishing activities; computer programming, consulting and other related services; scientific research and development in the field of social sciences and humanities; translation and interpretation activities; education.

Form of getting education: full-time.

Period of getting general higher education: 4 years.

Speciality: 6-05-0113-08 Language Education (English)
Qualification: Teacher
Degree: Bachelor

Major area of professional activity: education.

Form of getting education: full-time.

Period of getting general higher education: 4 years.

Speciality: 6-05-0113-02 Philology Education (Belarusian Language and Literature. Foreign Language (English))
Qualification: Teacher
Degree: Bachelor

Major areas of professional activity: secondary education; post-secondary education.

Form of getting education: full-time.

Period of getting general higher education: 4 years.

Speciality: 6-05-0113-02 Philology Education (Russian Language and Literature. Foreign Language (English))
Qualification: Teacher
Degree: Bachelor

Major areas of professional activity: secondary education; post-secondary education.

Form of getting education: full-time.

Period of getting general higher education: 4 years.

Speciality: 7-06-0111-01 Scientific and Pedagogical Activity. Field of study: Foreign Languages
Degree: Master

Major areas of professional activity: scientific research and development in the field of social sciences and humanities; management of social programs (leadership, administration, monitoring and financing activities of educational organizations); education.

Form of getting education: full-time.

Period of getting advanced higher education: 1 year.

62 Parkavaja St, 225401 Baranavičy, Bresckaja Voblasć, Republic of Belarus
Puchinskaya Tatiana
+375 163 40 99 77
+375 163 40 90 84