Postgraduate Studies

Scientifically focused education is aimed at fostering the personal development of a graduate student, an adjunct, a doctoral student, a jobseeker, at the realization of their intellectual and creative potential, formation of their competences necessary for organization and conduct of scientific researches and for implementation of professional activity culminating in qualification Reseacher.  

The period of study on the course must not exceed 3 years for full-time students, 4 years for those studying by correspondence and 5 years for self-instruction students.

Self-instruction as a form of training scientific workers of higher qualification for the first stage of postgraduate education stipulates that those who don't have a Master's degree, read for and take their doctoral examinations and oral tests in general sciences. The period of education, needed to be prepared to pass doctoral exams and oral tests and then do a postgraduate doctoral course either full-time or by correspondence, must not exceed 2 years. In this case, on the expiry of the term of study, the academic qualification of Researcher is not awarded.

The training of scientists of higher qualification at BarSU has been carried out since 2010 in the speciality 05.02.07 "Technology and Equipment for Mechanical and Physical-Technical Processing" (Engineering Sciences). 

21 Vojkava St., 225404 Baranavičy, Bresckaja Voblasć, Republic of Belarus
+375 163 66 53 74 (Rector's office)